Site icon life thru my hazel eyes

“Mom, you look tired.”

“Mom, you look tired.”

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that statement. $$$$

But all jokes aside, kids know what’s up. Mama is tired and these bags aren’t going to take care of themselves. That is why I use VII O2M Oxygen Eye Pads for all night repair.

I’ve talked about them before in my What’s in my beauty bag? post and here they are again.

VII O2M Oxygen eye pads are so easy to use. They are safe and recommended to wear overnight but on occasion I do wear them during the day as well. Especially if I am working from home all day. No shame in my game!

They don’t bother me while I sleep or work. They stay on very well and I can almost feel it working. My skin feels refreshed and healthy after just one use but even more so after several weeks. What I love the most is the difference it makes on my tired eyes and dark circles. It really brightens up my face and overall mood. I am sure most of you understand, but it really is depressing when I wake up to bags under my eyes. My mood changes immediately. But when I wake up and my face is brighter, I feel brighter and happier. This is something I so desperately need in this #momlife of mine!

These little eye pillows have everything your skin needs. Peptides, vitamins antioxidants and more. My eyes definitely look better and more refreshed.

Super easy: peel, stick and go to sleep.



Do yourself a favor and check them out at

X, Dijana

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