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I am done planning my kids every move!

Happy first week of summer break! We survived, did you?

Recently I have been reading a lot of posts about summer break and things to do and not to do. It seems to be one extreme or another. You either fall into the over planning or not planning at all. I do both. I want my kids to have a fun childhood and carefree days but I am also super cautious and like to know what is going on at all times. Why is that so hard? Why can’t I have days where kids choose their own activities or nothing at all but also days where we plan everything from dusk til dawn?! Why is it so hard to be a parent who likes her peace and quiet but also enjoys planned play dates, park visits, nature walks?

If you are like me or just want to know what we do, keep reading.

I am by no means telling you how to parent your kids. How to live your life. How to manager your time. But I am telling you that we all deserve to unwind from the hustle and bustle. To take a break from busy school/ work schedules and activities. To embrace a summer of sleeping in, pillow fights, bike rides, ice cream trucks, movies and video games. To plan kid free days and an occasional pool day by ourselves. We can and should enjoy our summer too! Stop worrying about keeping everyone busy or keeping up with the so-called standards. Every moment has its place. Everything passes so quickly. Enjoy the beauty and comfort of a carefree summer. Soak it all up because it will not last forever.

How do I manage this and two wild kids during the summer days? I don’t.

Let me give you a synopsis of our first week of summer break and a forecast of what I hope most of our summer days will look like.


While I do have a list of things we would like to do or see this summer, I am by no means forcing it. There will be pool days, play dates, library visits, nature centers, amusement parks, festivals and more. We will just take it one day at a time and keep it fun!

Hope you have a stress free summer as well.

x, Dijana


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